July 2, 2024

Who can obtain asylum in France?

One type of international safety is asylum.

An individual may apply for asylum (international protection) in France if they fear persecution if they return to their country of origin (or country of previous residence if they are stateless) due to their race, religion, nationality, political opinions, or membership in a particular social group; or if they are fleeing war, torture, or inhuman and/or degrading treatment.

What is the procedure for requesting asylum in France?

In France, asylum seekers must first contact the First Reception Structure for Asylum Seekers (SPADA), a non-governmental organization that will assist them in scheduling an appointment with the local prefecture’s central asylum office.

In order to schedule an appointment at your neighborhood SPADA office, Paris and Ile-de-France residents must first call the French Office for Immigration and Integration (Ofii).

If you are seeking international protection, you must file your application with the relevant regional asylum processing center (GUDA).

French international protection agency OFPRA will review your request, conduct an interview with you, and make a decision on whether or not to give you protection based on applicable French, European, and international law. OFPRA has the authority to decide:

  • to grant refugee status;
  • not to recognize them as refugees and give them subsidiary protection;
  • to turn down the asylum request (both the refugee status and the benefit of subsidiary protection).


Under the Dublin Regulation III, you could be sent back to France if you leave France for another EU country without permission while your claim for international protection is being processed in France. If you sought EU protection before arriving in France, the same applies. If so, the French can deport you. Learn more here.

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